Earn CFC®
The CFC® program is a three-module program that is international in scope and recognition. It combines a variety of approaches that deliver in-depth knowledge and real-world practical experience in a time-effective model that will allow you to integrate your working experience with intensive sessions over a period of two months. It provides candidates with the knowledge and skills required for financial management and consulting and with the ability to apply that knowledge in real-life financial management situations. The CFC® examinations are rigorous tests of the candidate’s understanding of the course content and of the candidate’s ability to apply that knowledge.
Candidates who have completed the CFC® curriculum and have passed the examination are eligible to receive the Certified Financial Consultant (CFC®) designation from the Institute of Financial Consultants-Canada. The program is led by real-world practitioners and educators with exceptional credentials, extensive knowledge and breadth of experience, superb platform skills, and a willingness to share with others working in corporate finance. Program lecturers are experienced corporate finance advisors and they could offer you practical advice and proven approaches taken from a vast body of knowledge.
Know why you should get certified.